This example demonstrates using quiver to plot wind speed contours and wind direction arrows from wind vector component input data. The vector components are co-located in space in this case.
For the second plot, the data used for the arrows is normalised to produce arrows with a uniform size on the plot.
Plotting wind direction using quiver
This example demonstrates using quiver to plot wind speed contours and wind
direction arrows from wind vector component input data. The vector components
are co-located in space in this case.
For the second plot, the data used for the arrows is normalised to produce
arrows with a uniform size on the plot.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import iris
import iris.coord_categorisation
import iris.quickplot as qplt
import cartopy
import cartopy.feature as cfeat
import as ccrs
def main():
# Load the u and v components of wind from a pp file
infile = iris.sample_data_path('wind_speed_lake_victoria.pp')
uwind = iris.load_cube(infile, 'x_wind')
vwind = iris.load_cube(infile, 'y_wind')
ulon = uwind.coord('longitude')
vlon = vwind.coord('longitude')
# The longitude points go from 180 to 540, so subtract 360 from them
ulon.points = ulon.points - 360.0
vlon.points = vlon.points - 360.0
# Create a cube containing the wind speed
windspeed = (uwind ** 2 + vwind ** 2) ** 0.5
x = ulon.points
y = uwind.coord('latitude').points
u =
v =
# Set up axes to show the lake
lakes = cfeat.NaturalEarthFeature('physical', 'lakes', '50m',
ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree())
# Get the coordinate reference system used by the data
transform = ulon.coord_system.as_cartopy_projection()
# Plot the wind speed as a contour plot
qplt.contourf(windspeed, 20)
# Add arrows to show the wind vectors
plt.quiver(x, y, u, v, pivot='middle', transform=transform)
plt.title("Wind speed over Lake Victoria")
# Normalise the data for uniform arrow size
u_norm = u / np.sqrt(u ** 2.0 + v ** 2.0)
v_norm = v / np.sqrt(u ** 2.0 + v ** 2.0)
ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree())
qplt.contourf(windspeed, 20)
plt.quiver(x, y, u_norm, v_norm, pivot='middle', transform=transform)
plt.title("Wind speed over Lake Victoria")
if __name__ == '__main__':