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Pull Request Check List

A pull request to a SciTools project master should be ready to merge into the master branch.

All pull request will be reviewed by a core developer who will manage the process of merging. It is the responsibility of a developer submitting a pull request to do their best to deliver a pull request which meets the requirements of the project it is submitted to.

The check list summarises criteria which will be checked before a pull request is merged. Before submitting a pull request please consider this list.

The Iris Check List

  • Have you provided a helpful description of the Pull Request? What has changed and why. This should include:
  • the aim of the change - the problem addressed, a link to the issue;
  • how the change has been delivered.
  • Do new files pass PEP8?
  • PEP8 is the Python source code style guide.
  • There is a python module for checking pep8 compliance: python-pep8
  • Do all the tests pass locally?
  • The Iris tests may be run with python setup.py test which has a command line utility included.
  • Coding standards, including PEP8 compliance and copyright message (including the correct year of the latest change), are tested.
  • Has a new test been provided?
  • Has iris-test-data been updated?
  • iris-test-data is a github project containing all the data to support the tests.
  • If this has been updated a reference to the relevant pull request should be provided.
  • Has the the documentation been updated to explain the new feature or bug fix?
  • with reference to the developer guide on docstrings
  • Have code examples been provided inside the relevant docstrings?
  • Has iris-sample-data been updated?
  • iris-sample-data is a github project containing all the data to support the gallery and examples.
  • Does the documentation build without errors?
  • The documentation is built using make html in ./docs/iris.
  • Do the documentation tests pass?
  • make doctest, make extest in ./docs/iris.
  • Is there an associated iris-code-generators pull request?
  • iris-code-generators is a github project which provides processes for generating a small subset of the Iris source code files from other information sources.
  • Has the travis file been updated to reflect any dependency updates?
  • ./.travis.yml is used to manage the continuous integration testing.