NetCDF Containers 1 documentation

5.2. Uncertainty

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5.2. Uncertainty

Containers enable semantics from particular domains to be used to define metadata characteristics. The containers enable the semantics from one convention to be used along with the semantics of another convention with clear separation.

For example the semantics defined by UncertML may be used by containers which contain data sets conforming to the CF conventions for NetCDF files.

5.2.1. NetCDF3 Encoding

netcdf ssl {

  lat = 180 ;
  lon = 360 ;
  time = 11 ;
  time_bnds = 2 ;

  float sst_stats ;
      sst_stats:container_type = ""
      sst_stats:container_members = "total_uncert uncorr_sd synopcorr_sd system_err best_estimate" ;
      sst_stats:base_phenomenon = "sea_surface_temperature" ;
      sst_stats:base_units = 'K' ;

  float total_uncert ;
      total_uncert:container_type = "" ;
      total_uncert:sample_variable = "time" ;
      total_uncert:container_members = "total_uncert_data" ;
      total_uncert:comment = " total estimated error distribution (non-systematic) ;

  float uncorr_sd ;
      uncorr_sd:container_type = "" ;
      uncorr_sd:sample_variable = "time" ;
      uncorr_sd:container_members = "uncorr_sd_data" ;
      uncorr_sd:comment = "uncorrelated effects (instrument noise, sampling uncertainty)" ;

  float synopcorr_sd ;
      synopcorr_sd:container_type = "" ;
      synopcorr_sd:sample_variable = "time" ;
      synopcorr_sd:container_members = "synopcorr_sd_data" ;
      synopcorr_sd:comment = "synoptically-correlated effects (due to retrieval errors associated with large weather systems)" ;

  float system_err ;
      system_err:container_type = "" ;
      system_err:sample_variable = "time" ;
      system_err:container_members = "system_err_data" ;
      system_err:comment = "Uncertain systematic errors (i.e. unknown biases due to the inversion process)" ;

  float best_estimate ;
      best_estimate:container_type = "" ;
      best_estimate:sample_variable = "time" ;
      best_estimate:container_members = "best_estimate_data" ;
      best_estimate:comment = "best estimate" ;

  float total_uncert_data(time, lat, lon) ;

  float uncorr_sd_data(time, lat, lon)  ;

  float synopcorr_sd_data(time, lat, lon)  ;

  float system_err_data(time, lat, lon)  ;

  float best_estimate_data(time, lat, lon)  ;

  float lat(lat) ;

  float lon(lon) ;

  float time(time) ;

  float time_bnds(time_bnds)

5.2.2. NetCDF4 Encoding

netcdf ssl {

  lat = 180 ;
  lon = 360 ;
  time = 11 ;
  time_bnds = 2 ;

group sst_stats {
      float lat(lat) ;
      float lon(lon) ;
      float time(time) ;

      :container_type = ""
      :base_phenomenon = "sea_surface_temperature" ;
      :base_units = 'K' ;

  group total_uncert {
      float total_uncert_data(time, lat, lon) ;

      :container_type = "" ;
      :sample_variable = "time" ;
      :comment = " total estimated error distribution (non-systematic) ;

  group uncorr_sd {
      float uncorr_sd_data(time, lat, lon)  ;
      container_type = "" ;
      sample_variable = "time" ;
      comment = "uncorrelated effects (instrument noise, sampling uncertainty)" ;

  group synopcorr_sd {
      float synopcorr_sd_data(time, lat, lon)  ;
      :container_type = "" ;
      :sample_variable = "time" ;
      :comment = "synoptically-correlated effects (due to retrieval errors associated with large weather systems)" ;

  group system_err {
      float system_err_data(time, lat, lon)  ;
      :container_type = "" ;
      :sample_variable = "time" ;
      :comment = "Uncertain systematic errors (i.e. unknown biases due to the inversion process)" ;

  group best_estimate {
      float best_estimate_data(time, lat, lon)  ;
      :container_type = "" ;
      :sample_variable = "time" ;
      :comment = "best estimate" ;


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